The Kingfisher Award Scheme has been running in Cornwall for 14 years and is coordinated by Jacky Cherry.


In May 2023, 6 schools from the St Austell area were welcomed onto Bodinnick Farm near St Stephen, by the Barnecutt family, where the focus is to produce lamb and beef in harmony with the environment.

Our topic was: What lives on a Traditional Mixed Family Farm.


The Field Days took place over 4 days and, with the help of a committed band of volunteers, the 230 children engaged in hands on activities exploring the links between farming and wildlife. They focussed their energy on three areas:


Sheep and Soil

Sheep are integral to farming at Bodinnick, so farmer Rose introduced the children to some of her ewes and lambs. They were able to examine the ewes up close, feel their fleece and feed the pet lambs.

The soil and dung were teeming with life. Our heroes, the worms were examined in detail and the children learnt how important they are to help us maintain healthy soil.



Plants and Pollinators

The Orchard was buzzing with life; the pollinators busy working the apple trees, bluebells and other flowering plants. The children studied moths and bees and learnt about other important pollinators.

They sampled yummy local honey!



Birds and Buildings

Bodinnick’s traditional buildings provided a safe haven for nesting birds and the children were fascinated by the swallow’s extraordinary migration.

They looked at how birds were adapted to different habitats and dissected barn owl pellets – looking for evidence of its last meal!



In the Classroom

Pupils returned to school after the farm field days full of inspiration to carry on with their studies. They had a month to work on these ideas before the judges were due in school to look at their work.


Judging Day

Our team of 3 experienced judges from farming and education backgrounds spent a day visiting all 6 schools to judge the children’s work. What a delight it was but what a task to judge all that inspirational work! Incredible teamwork, skilfully constructed models, stunning art, great literacy work, Impressive IT, poems, pompoms and more..



Carclaze School won the Cornwall Kingfisher Award 2023. They completely engaged with the full breath of the topic and the quality of their work was outstanding. Roche and St Stephen schools were joint runners up.


Funded by:







The KAS is entirely reliant on sponsorship money, charitable donations, and volunteers. If you would like to make a donation or offer your time to help please contact Jacky Cherry, tel: 01208 831503 or email [email protected]