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Customer Complaints Procedure 

If you have a complaint about our organisation we want to hear about it and we will do our best to put it right. 

Our Customer Complaints Procedure has the following goals: 

  • To deal with complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively;  
  • To ensure that all complaints are handled in a consistent manner throughout; 
  • To increase customer satisfaction;  
  • To use complaints constructively in the planning and improvement of all services.  

Who can complain? 

Anyone who is: 

  • Receiving a service from the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group South West Limited (FWAG SW); 
  • Caring for someone who has a complaint; 
  • Has been refused a service which they think they may need.  

How to Complain 

FWAG SW would like to sort out any complaint as soon as possible. 

Many complaints can be resolved informally. In the first instance contact FWAG SW and, if you feel able, speak to the member of staff who is working with you or ask to speak to their manager or the Chief Executive Officer, who will try to sort the matter out. 

If you make contact in person or by phone, make a note of the name of the person you speak to. If a solution is offered at this point, make a note of this as well. 

If you are not satisfied or do not wish an informal solution, you may pursue a formal complaint. 

Formal Complaint Procedure 

In the first instance, formal complaints should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, using the details below, in a sealed envelope marked “Private and Confidential” or by email, writing “COMPLAINT” in the title line. In making your complaint, you will need to be clear not only about the nature of your complaint but also what you would like us to do about it. 

Chief Executive Officer 

FWAG South West 

Hawkridge House 

Summerfield Way 



TA21 9JE 

Phone Number 01823 660684 

Email: [email protected] 


What Happens Next? 

You will receive acknowledgement of your complaint within 5 working days. You may be contacted to make sure that we have understood your complaint properly. You may be interviewed by the person investigating the complaint. 

You will receive a response to your complaint within 30 working days of its receipt. Any extension of this time limit requires your consent. 

In all cases, a complaint will be given full and fair consideration. 

However, if as a result of your complaint, disciplinary proceedings are taken against a member of staff, an internal procedure will apply. You will be informed that disciplinary proceedings have taken place, but as these proceedings are confidential, you will only be informed of the details or outcome of matters outside of this procedure. 

If a criminal offence is alleged, then the police will be informed. 

What happens if I am dissatisfied with the handling of my complaint? 

Usually, the Chief Executive Officer will be able to resolve your complaint. If, however, you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your complaint or the outcome of the Chief Executive Officer’s review of your complaint, you may request, within 4 weeks of receiving our response, that the Manager's decision is reviewed by a Trustee of FWAG SW. You will need to be clear about the reasons for your request and what you would like to achieve from the review. The Trustees will respond to you in writing within 30 working days of the escalation request being made. 

Contact details of the appropriate Trustee’s contact details are available from the Chief Executive Officer on request. 

Can you take your complaint elsewhere? 

If you are still unhappy with how your complaint has been handled or the response you have received, you can view your further options on the Charity Commission website by following this link https://www.gov.uk/complain-about-charity or by telephoning 0300 066 9197