The Kingfisher Award Scheme has been running in Somerset for over 14 years and is coordinated by Louise Wallace.

We will be hosting the Kingfisher project in 2024 on the following dates. If your school would like to take part please contact us. 

Field Days:
Monday 13th May - Friday 17th May 2024 

Celebration: Wednesday 10th July 2024 

In May 2023 we were welcomed back to Henry and Richard Langs Farm, on the edge of Curry Rivel for the field days. Our topics were Wheat & a treat, Pollinators & Bumblebees and Reptiles, amphibians and habitats.  

Our marvellous army of committed volunteers supported nearly 200 children from five schools over four days to engage and enthuse with hands on activities.  



Field Days

Children and their teachers from five schools were bused to Home Farm for half a day of activities, bringing their packed lunches to enjoy whilst on the farm. In small groups they carousel around the carefully planned activities, to inspire them with a hands-on approach to linking food, farming and wildlife.  

  • Wheat and a treat: 

    The crop in the field at Home Farm was winter wheat, the farmers took the groups on a field walk and talk teaching the children about animal feed, flour, bread-making. The children were taught how to recognise a variety of crops and discuss the processes they go through to become the foods we all know, as well as hand milling some wheat. They then had a hands-on session at making yummy edibles with the flour!         

  • Pollinators & Bumblebees:  

    Children went on a bumblebee safari with a checklist of species, with some photos of different bumblebee species on stakes around the field in case there are not many of the real thing! The children played lots of pollination / habitat loss games to help them understand the importance.   

  • Reptile, amphibians and habitats: 

    Home Farm is a rich landscape of farmland, woodland, field margin habitat zones and ponds. The children were shown a wide range of living examples of what lives in a pond and wetland areas. They were taught about the value of these landscapes within the farmed environment, how we can protect and encourage these habitats.                                


After an array of inspiration from the field days, children had six weeks back in the classroom and at home to research and learn about the things that inspired them the most in more detail.  

The Award Celebration and Picnic 

The celebration was held in July before the end of the school termat Home Farm, in the farm yard. The afternoon was a great success, with an estimated 200 in attendance. The weather was fine, the activities were apt with some clay worm / owl / hedgehog making and insect facepainting!   

The judges had their work cut out with the school displays, as they were outstanding. Each school display presented a slightly different aspect of the field day, the creativity was evident as was the diverse learning that continued after the field day. The teacher’s feedback was wonderful and complimentary on the learning opportunities they could link to the curriculum, especially that the project could engage children that are less engaged in the classroom. As well as inspire them to continue working on the project in their own time, by choice and working with extended family members.  

The winning school this year wasWestover Green Community School and Autism Centre. The team of judges found the competition was high with a great standard of work and creativity! The Runners up were Lydeard St Lawrence Primary School. A big thank you to our judges and congratulations to all the schools that took part for their hard work and superb displays.   



Somerset KAS is kindly supported and sponsored by Bridgwater Agriculture Society, Clarke Willmott, Albert Goodman and Cornish Mutual



KAS is entirely reliant on sponsorship money, charitable donations, and volunteers.

If you would like to make a donation or offer your time to help please contact the FWAG SouthWest office on: 01823 660684 or email [email protected]