FWAG SW is working together with the countryside charity to make use of the grants received from the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Gloucestershire, in a mission to plant and restore hedgerows in Gloucestershire. 

The specialist knowledge within the team at FWAG and our network of connections between landowners, farmers and communities and skilled trainers who can lead hedgerow workdays with volunteers to plant restore hedges across the landscapes. FWAG SW has access to materials including hedgerow plants, stakes and bindings and will choose to use tree guards made of biodegradable materials and recyclable rabbit guards to control browsing pressures. 

The Tree Council is also eager to join this project and have offered their specialist knowledge on hedgerow planting and restoration and community engagement. 

The grant has allowed purchasing of appropriate equipment for the volunteers, which have offered different amounts of time and skilled work. Although some volunteers are only involved in a day or two of planting and restoring, this programme also gives them the opportunity to join a training course which will give them levels of accreditation which they can use to build into a career. The volunteering scheme should also become a welcomed social experience to bring together people of all ages and skills into the rural landscape and gain knowledge of the environmental benefits of building habitats and protecting arable fields from harsh weather.  

The Hedgerow Heroes Partnership Officer (HHPO) will also give talks to local schools and communities which will come and visit on the planting days to communicate the importance of hedgerows to the environment. 

Lastly in November 2023, a hedge laying competition will take place to reintroduce this popular event to the wider rural community. 

Latest updates 
The FWAG team have welcomed Millie Lawlor as our new Hedgerow Officer for Hedgerow heroes, who will be organising Volunteers to restore 1 km of hedges in Gloucestershire.