(13.08.2024) Sustainable Farming Incentive & Agri-environment scheme update

The expanded SFI offer for 2024 is now open and DEFRA have recently published some updates to the scheme. Read on to find out more... Read more

[11.04.24] Wessex Water: River Tone, Parrett and Yeo Phosphorus Reduction Scheme

FWAG SW are working with Wessex Water and farmers in sub-catchments of the Rivers Tone, Parrett and Yeo to reduce phosphorus (P) runoff from farmyards, tracks and fields by three tonnes per year by 2025. Click here to read more... Read more

[4.01.24] Defra Update: 'Biggest upgrade to UK farming schemes introduced by the Government since leaving the EU'

Following the Secretary of State speech at the Oxford Farming Conference today (Thursday 4th January 2024), Defra have today published an update to the Agricultural Transition Plan. Click here for full details and our thoughts... Read more

[12.10.23] SFI Scheme Open for Applications

The Sustainable Farming Incentive Scheme is now open for applications. Our advisers offer some information and updates on how FWAG SW can help support you. Read more

[13.09.23] Government backs plans to boost British produce on Back British Farming Day

The government made a series of announcements this morning to support Back British Farming day today. Read more

[18.08.23] The deadline has been extended for submitting your Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier Application

The new deadline for submitting your application is now 15th September 2023. The previous agreed deadline was today, Friday 18th August 2023. Read more

[10.02.23] WWT Press Release: Local youth groups inspire Gloucester city shoppers with flourishing floodplain art installation

A local conservation project, Flourishing Floodplains, has introduced young people in Gloucester to the wonder of their local wetlands and brought them together with a local artist to co-create a vibrant art installation celebrating floodplain meadows. Click here for the full release... Read more

[19.01.23] RPA: Capital payment rates from January 2023: Countryside Stewardship

On Wednesday 18th January updates were made to clarify which agreements are subject to payment rate changes. Click here for a summary and link to the full update. Read more

[12.01.23] GWCT Press Release: Farmers working to keep ‘globally rare’ chalk stream crystal clear

A new short film from the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) celebrates their efforts to protect this vital artery, known as the River Ebble. Which flows for 12 miles through the farmland, villages and downland of the beautiful Chalke Valley before joining the River Avon near Salisbury. Click here to read more... Read more

[10.01.23] Biodiversity Net Gain Event Review

On Wednesday 30th November 2022, a BNG event was held for farmers at the Royal Agricultural University. Click here to read how the event went. Read more

[05.1.23] DEFRA Future Farming Blog: Introducing SFI Management Payments and changes to Countryside Stewardship rates

Jonathan Baker, Deputy Director, Programme Policy, Engagement and Strategy in the Future Farming and Countryside Programme at DEFRA released a blog post this morning outlining some changes to both Countryside Stewardship payment rates, and the introduction of the Sustainable Farming Incentive Management Payment. Read more

[29.11.22] Mendip Hills AONB Service Press Release: The Carbon Challenge

Farmers in the Mendip Hills AONB can apply for funding to cover the cost of advice and guidance sessions with a Farm Carbon Adviser. Click here to read the full press release... Read more

[31.10.22] Green Revolutions Cycle Tour Completed

We are delighted to share that Gary Rumbold and Adam Lockyear successfully cycled 537km in 5 days as part of FWAG SW Green Revolutions cycle tour. Completed over the 8th – 12th October 2022, our cyclists took on the incredible challenge of cycling across the SouthWest to showcase amazing farmers and landowners producing food and fibre in a thriving landscape for people and nature. Read more

[18.10.22] FWAG Letter to the Secretary of State

On Tuesday 18th October, on behalf of the FWAG Association, Adam Lockyear and Gary Rumbold sent a letter to the Secretary of State, offering to support his department in their review of Defra activity. You can read the letter by clicking here... Read more

[06.09.22] Press Release: Sustainable Land Management Workshops Announced

Farming and wildlife organisations team up to support farmers and other land managers to increase farm business resilience whilst delivering what nature and people need for a sustainable future. Read more

[11.08.22] Soil Association Press Release: Crop Trials to Diversify Winter Fodder for Cattle and Wildlife

Livestock farmers are leading new research into diverse winter grazing crops to cut feed and input costs while boosting soil health and biodiversity in a new Innovative Farmers field lab... Read more

[26.07.22] Somerset Water Forum Review 2022

The Somerset Water Forum took place on 17th June 2022 at Junction 24 Conference Centre, Sedgemoor Auction Centre. This was the first event of its kind and and involved a day of presentations and discussions around water-related issues in Somerset. Click here to read more... Read more

[12.07.22] The Silver Lapwing Award 2022 Results Announced

A Cumbrian farmer has been recognised by the farming and conservation industry for his outstanding efforts to promote good habitat and environmental management on his farm. James Robinson was awarded the highly-coveted ‘Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group National Silver Lapwing Award’, which is now in its 43rd year. Read more

[28.06.22] WWT Press release: Farmers help save critically endangered curlews in Gloucestershire meadows

Farmers have joined forces with conservationists from the WWT, FWAG and the Floodplain Meadows Partnership in the floodplain meadows of the Severn and Avon Vale to help save the curlew - one of the UK’s rarest wading birds. Click here to read more... Read more

[14.06.22] RPA Farming Investment Fund: Adding Value and Slurry Infrastructure grants

Information about funding for farmers, foresters, growers and contractors about grants for investing in new technology. Click here to read more... Read more

[01.06.22] Nature Friendly Farming Network Podcast

Landscape Approaches with Jenny Phelps - Farming Together For Bigger, Better Outcomes. Click here for more information... Read more

[06.05.22] RPA Press release: Payments brought forward to help farmers with cashflow

Today (Friday 6th May) the RPA have announced a change to the pattern of BPS payments to include an advance payment of up to 50% of the total value in July. The Secretary of State will be writing to all BPS applicants via email today. Read the RPA press release here... Read more

[20.04.22] Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations

The EIA regulations protect rural land in England that’s uncultivated or semi-natural from changes in agricultural activities that might cause damage. Click here to read more.. Read more