What we do Current projects Gloucestershire The GREAT Project The GREAT Project offers free and subsidised support for regenerative agriculture to farmers in Gloucestershire. GREAT stands for Gloucestershire Regenerative Environment and Agriculture Transition. It’s a three-year project, funded by Thirty Percy, to boost the transition to farming methods that restore the soil, water and air. We want to join to dots between farmers, advisors, growers, mentors and their communities to facilitate this change that is so sorely needed for a resilient future for farms, nature and the earth. The project will make Gloucestershire a leading county in regenerative agriculture, which is a growing farming movement that emphasises building soil carbon and structure. The project has three core aims: build evidence, facilitate knowledge exchange, and nurture enterprise. GREAT has launched its offer of free and subsidised advice, knowledge exchange, mentoring and enterprise support. It also features an education bursary and a small grants scheme for those seeking small amounts of cash for farm-based enterprises, such as start-up costs or crucial pieces of equipment. Although the project’s offerings are free or subsidised only to those farming in Gloucestershire, many of their events are available to anybody at full cost. In addition to its knowledge exchange events, led by Oxon-based trailblazers, FarmED, the project is offering a series of ‘enterprise bootcamps’ and webinars, led by the School of Enterprise at the Royal Agricultural University (RAU). The first bootcamp is set to begin on 10th September 2021, with 20 spaces free to those in Gloucestershire. From autumn 2021, new entrants to farming will be able to sign up for mentoring and advice on accessing land. Those already farming in Gloucestershire can already access free advice from FWAG SouthWest or join a mentoring programme so that those beginning the transition to regenerative agriculture can benefit from the support of their peers. Project Manager, Bea Oliver ([email protected]), invites Gloucestershire farmers, landowners, growers and individuals looking to start a rural food enterprise, to get in touch to find out where The GREAT Project can help you in your regenerative journey. Visit www.greatglos.co.uk or speak to your FWAG advisor to find out more. Follow the twitter for up to date information @GREATglos Manage Cookie Preferences